The Virus and Me Updated

My original message is below. Since then we have seen the trough of cases go down and now, the tide is coming in again and the wave is growing. Please do still remember that this is a real horror of a virus. Yes, we can medicate it better but we are now seeing long Covid making an impact. Also, just because you may be young, the virus still attacks you and although your early symptoms may be low, the long term ramifications can be very severe. More and more long Covid patients are young. As for me, yes full PPE training is in full flow. Rather be wearing good fetish gear instead! Testing is a… Lire la suite

Publié par curiosityalive il y a 4 ans 29

A little time away!

Those of my friends that know me well are aware that my workload has been immense, this year which has meant that my mind and body now need to rest. I have always tried to ensure that my commitment to my friends and their communication messages have been given gladly and sometimes with some humour. My gorgeous uploading friends have worked their magic with their wonderful contributions to my masturbatory pleasures. However, I now have to take a little break so that I can recharge my sexual and emotional batteries. I will try to come onto hamster a few times, but I hope to be in the wild a bit… Lire la suite

Publié par curiosityalive il y a 5 ans 14

For my friends and fellow hamsters

You may have noticed that I have not been my prolific self over the last month on the site. Unfortunately, my work commitments have meant that I have been unable to enjoy the site in the fullest way. This situation is unlikely to change in the short term, especially as we in the UK come into our winter months and the demands on the medical profession become ever increasing. I have had to decide whether to close my profile or to continue it until such time as I can fully appreciate it's diverse sexual nature. I will be keeping the profile open but will not be able to allow much time for a… Lire la suite

Publié par curiosityalive il y a 6 ans 29