Prague Whorehouse

In Prague, Christmas-time 2018, it was truly lovely. Landed and it was as blustery as shit. But once in the old town city center, it was everything you'd hope for a holiday scene. Light big-flake snow at the Christmas market in the central square, those cinnamon sugar roasted donut thingys, super cool absinth bars, and great live jazz at small hip clubs with Urquell as fucking fresh as it gets. It was a good time to be there.

Naturally, I had to go find a little mongering to do since it there is nothing better to cap off a great festive evening than with some local talent. Across the river in the Letna neighborhood there is this collection of warehouses, devoid of any souls it seemed. The internet must be wrong I figured. But as any pussyhound can attest, the lengths we will go for some grab-ass knows no bounds.

I arrived at the prescribed building number, the right door number and pressed the ringer. It buzzed and lo and behold, I pulled the door open. Dark, but subtly lit, not stinky and some kind of music playing I knew it was at least semi-legit. There was a turnstile you passed for the $5 fee and told there is no in-out privilege. Fine, I thought.

There was a bar area with no one in it, another sitting area, again empty and some long, red lighted hallways with doors lining them. Woohoo, this was a regulation whorehouse. The doors that were open and had a honey standing in it or inside the room, were available. Those that were not, were obviously not there or busy. At first, there were far more closed darkened doors than those that were open. Only 2-3 in the first stint. I always feel a little bad passing by a woman who is selling their wares. I genuinely would happily fuck any one of them, and not to be disrespectful, but I just wanted to check out the whole place first. I feel bad passing by a smiling woman who is DTF. I want to see the full slate on display before I decide who to pop inside. Awkward smiles and thank-yous ensued.

Glad I waited. In back was a little warren of rooms, almost all open for business. Maybe 20-30 in total, and I literally saw not one other guy there except for staff. Every shape, color, build-out and hair color one can think of, and every one of them will fuck. I like this place I thought.

After a loop or two within the clover leaf shaped hallways, I passed a room with a rather fetching blonde woman bent over her massage table. I am usually all-in on Asians, brunettes and other dark exotic ladies, and an avowed lover of titties, but you should have seen this ass. I guess she knew what her best feature was and it worked.

A pleasant lady, bless her for knowing English, and pretty. Early 30's maybe, with small little titties of indeterminate Eastern European heritage. But what an ass. Mmmm, mmm. mmm. We got right down to business. Some massaging, the flip, and manual raising of the flag pole with an uncovered oral assist. So far, standard but far from unpleasant. Would you like to get your pussy licked I asked. Why yes of course was the response. I can spend as much time down there as is necessary and enjoyable for all. If it is a sweet, edible little cooch, and she is appreciative, there is no such thing as licking pussy too long.

Clean, shaved smooth like silk, tight snappy labia and literally sweet tasting, I was definitely into it. Just a smooth and delicious pube mound with a slit and slivers of inner labia peeking out around the clit. There was writhing, moaning, head grabbing, hair pulling and the cutest little squeals, occasionally clamping my ears shut with her bare pure white thighs.

After the deed for her was done a few times and I came up for air, she said that no one had ever eaten her pussy like that and thanked me. "I bet you say that to all the boys" I said. She reached out and gently put her hand on my wrist and leaned in closer and repeated it adding, "I am serious, no one ever eat my pussy that way". Hair a bit disheveled, a genuine look of on her face. If she were acting, it was Oscar worthy. It is conceivable that a whore is expected to give fantastic head but not get it herself. She is pretty and pleasant, had a wonderful body and a sweet white cunt, so whore or not, I want to dine on that for not only her pleasure, but mine as well.

Her blowjob afterward, part of the transaction that occurs in a brothel, was especially kind and sweet. And without a cover. And the eye contact and slow-ride grind of the fucking, with a cover, was sultry, highly erotic and non-rushed. We went a bit over time and It's so nice to get noticed as a standout by a woman whose job it is to fuck.

After the money, about 200kr ($90), was handed over she again held my wrist and thanked me and said she had not ever cum like that from oral before. I don't know if I believed her even then, but I was already dressed, up and out the door. She did not have to say that. It's a shame that no one ever took the time to make oral love to that pink little slit of a cunt as ought to be. But good for both of us.

That was nice I thought. Not quite wanting to leave straight into the snowy night, I went over to the bar area. Again still the only patron in the whole joint. I ordered an Urquell, and watched some scoreless football match on the big screen. Afterward, I decided to take another walk around the loop. I knew I didn't have enough money in my wallet for another round since I only had a 20kr in my pocket, but I do like to look at scantily clad women that may have filtered in the meanwhile.

I passed the door of the woman with the great ass and whose pussy juice had dried on my face. She looked over her shoulder and smiled and came out to greet me again. "Did you come back for more?" No, I explained and said I just looked one last time and didn't have enough money anyway. She asked me how much I had and I told her. She smiled and said if I do what i did before, she would do it for nothing anyway. She pulled me in by the hand without me answering.

I ate out that cute Caucasian cunt a second time. We took it slow and she blew me with gentle tenderness again to completion. I left her my $9 tip as the only gesture of lasting appreciation as one could in a brothel. I've fucked women at no cost before, on dates, hookups, orgies, etc. But never in a whorehouse. It was nice to make her feel good and have something different in an environment like that. If she was anywhere near serious about never having been eaten out to orgasm like that before, I like to think that after that she had some higher standard by which to compare. I imagine that somewhere, in the back of her mind the next time some random man, or even her BF, goes down on her she thought "It's nice, but not as nice as that one client I had that one time... the one I fucked for free"
Publié par mobetta1
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